Monday, November 14, 2011


  What is a Star?

 Star is a large shining ball of very hot gas. they are very far from us so they look small but, Indeed some are bigger and brighter than the sun. stars have different colors and size. Stars are made in big clouds of dust and gas.
The gravity makes parts of clouds gets smaller when it shrinks it makes hotter and when it is hot enough the nuclear reaction start and then a star is born.

  Types of Star

 There are four  types of stars. There names are Main Sequence, Supergaints, Giants and white Dwarfs. There are three stages of stars Young Stars, Middle age Stars, and Old Stars. The yellow and red dwarf are young stars. the red giant, blue giant, super giant and main sequence stars are middle age stars and old stars is white dwarf.
There are different temperature of stars Hot stars, Medium stars and Cold stars Blue giant, White dwarf and Main sequence are hot stars. The yellow dwarf, Red giant and Main sequence are medium stars and cold stars are Red dwarf,Red giant and main sequence.Stars are grouped with their size, color, luminosity their temperature and their spectral class.

  H-R Diagram

A diagram that astronomers used to grouped stars according to their type. An H-R diagram that shows the characteristics of stars that tells different stages of stars, their sequence their colors size the surface temperature and the luminosity of the stars and tall about small stars to massive stars the names of the stars and the types of the stars.

 Nuclear Fusion

The nuclear has two molecules that are Hydrogen and Helium. A nuclear fusion is when the inside a star change two hydrogen into a helium molecule and then its make a star.This is how a star makes energy. The nuclear fusion creates an energy.

 The Life Cycle of a Star

The life of a star is stellar nebula the stars that born in giant cloud are stellar nebula and then the protostar A baby star. The three types of stars in the space are Sun like Stars, Huge Stars and Giant stars. The Sun like Stars are Red giant are bright stars, old stars and middle age stars. Planetary nebula are the form of a big cloud of dust and gases.White dwarf are white stars white dwarf is Old age star and white dwarf are small star it is hot star and Black dwarf star are cold and dark object.

The huge Stars are Red super giant, Supernova is the giant explosion of the star. Neutron Star when the star will again collapse after explosion and the Giant Stars are Red super giant, Supernove and Black hole are after the explosion the star will again collapse then it become black hole.