Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Activities: Mini posters, Brain pop
Topics: Earth Interior, Plate tectonic and Faults

Earth Interiors

There are four layers of earth.Crust, Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core. Outside of the earth is less dense and inside is more dense. Crust is the part of the lithosphere. It is outer layer that we live on that is made up of plates. There are two types of crust oceanic crust and continental crust. Mantle is very thick and is made up of molten (melted) rock that is like a liquid and flows very slowly. It moves the plates of the crust with convection currents.Outer core is completely liquid. It is made up of melted metals ( iron and nickel). Inner core is solid and is made up of nickel and iron as well.


Faults are the large fracture. There are three types if faults Normal fault, Reverse fault and Strik slip fault. Normal fault is move down. Reverse fault move upward and strik slip fault move slide in opposite direction.

Plate Tectonics

The theory of plate tectonic says that the earth's crust is broken up into pieces called plates and these pieces move on top of the liquid mantle. There are two types of plates continental plates and oceanic plates. These plates float on top of the liquid mantle and move around due to convection currents.

Continental Drift

The continental drift tells that continents once formed a single landmass broken apart and drifted to their present location.The person who thought of this theory was Alfred Wegeners. The continents were once a single supercontinent called Pangaea. The evidence of continental drift is puzzle. Puzzle is continents fit together like a puzzle, Fossils, Rock record & Mountain rang.

Plate Boundaries

There are three types of plate boundaries, Divergent boundary, Convergent boundary and Transform boundary. Divergent boundary is moving apart away or separate. It forms new ocean floor and rift valley. There are three types of divergent boundary. Mid ocean ridge is an ocean floor feature resembling a mountain ridge on land. Where oceanic plates continue to separate. Sea floor spreading is process that for a new sea floor. Magnetic reversals is evidence of sea floor. Rift valleys is flat area between two mountain that is formed by spreading plates. Convergent boundary is comes together. It forms Mountain and Volcanoes. There are also three types of convergent boundary. Mountain building in which mountain were made. Subduction zone is one plate goes under the other. Deep sea trench depression hole in the ocean. Transform boundary is movement up and down. It forms earthquakes.


Volcanoes found all over the world. It happen when pressure inside earth causes hot molten rock. It is an opening in the earth that erupts gases. Volcanoes are very powerful. There are three types of volcanoes. Shield, Cinder cone and Composite. Cinder cone made of rock particles, dust and ash. Shield volcano often form under water at the divergent plate boundary. Composite is made up lava and rock particles a convergent plate boundary one plate is pushed under. Magma melted rock under the surface. Lava melted rock above the surface.


When the plates moving on fault line are cause of Earthquakes, MountainTrenches and Volcanoes. Where the earthquake starts is the focus point under the earth's surface. Directly above the focus is epicenter place on earth surface. The moving of plates that builds a pressure in rock. It makes rock break that rock breakage creates three types of Seismic waves. P- Wave that are like sound waves and is the fastest wave. It moves back and fourth. S-Wave move up and down. It is the wave that cut rock and it is the slowest wave. The last wave is L-Wave is the most dangerous wave it move both P and S wave. We measured the Earthquake that tells the speed of earthquake by using seismograph. Its tells us how big the waves were and how long it happened. Sometimes earthquakes are very slow even we did not notice and sometimes it's too fast that broke everything. Tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by an earthquake under the ocean. Earthquakes and Tsunami effect people's life, damage buildings, roads, damage to transportation and communication.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Phases of the Moon


Lunar Revolution: قمری انقلاب
It is when the moon revolve around the earth and it takes 29.5 days.

It is when the moon is getting bigger.
It is when the moon is getting smaller.
New Moon:چاند
No moon, the moon is not visible.

Crescent Moon:چاند
Less than half of the moon is visible.

Quarter Moon:سہ ماہی چاند
Half of the moon is visible.

Gibbous Moon:کبڑا چاند
More than half of the moon is visible.

Full Moon:پورے چاند کی
All of the moon is visible.


There are different phases of the moon. the moon takes 29.5 days average to revolve around the earth. The light from the moon come from the sun. the names of the different phases of the moon are New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent. The difference between waxing and waning is that when the moon is growing and moon face is always on right side is waxing and when the moon is getting smaller and moon face is always on left side is waning.

How is earth affected by movement (revolution)?
The movement of earth and the moon is revolution. The causes of rotation on earth is day and night. The movement of the moons around the earth causes the tides sometimes high , low and sometimes normal. Earth revolution takes 365 days to revolve around the sun. The evidence of revolution are seasons. There are four seasons on earth is Summer, Fall equinox, Winter and Vernal equinox. When the earth is tilted away from the sun then its winter and when it is towards the sun then its summer.Gravity and Revolution causes water level on earth.

                                              Reflection Questions

What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
The things that I like most about this project is working with my group. They are very helpful and the rehearsal part because we do wrong things and it was fun.
What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging part is planning about the project because I am the story board planner so it was challenging.
What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
The new skills I learned is to manage the time and how to organize the project.
Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain
I could improve my work is being more creative in making pictures and video.